Although Jesus had compassion and did heal many people while on this earth, healing people was not his primary task so he did not engage in endless healing sessions. I sometimes wonder how he felt after making people well again - only one of the ten lepers healed, returned to say 'thankyou'; the woman who had been bleeding for years only wanted to touch the hem of his garment to be healed - very superstitious in my initial view - but Jesus knew her faith and healed her (thus rebuking my response), and the man who was healed on the Sabbath, was then drawn into a protracted legal battle with the religious leaders. How could so many other people who saw these miracles and be in such close contact with perfect love and compassion, not believe in Jesus?
In the recent events for Queen Elizabeth's platinum jubilee, it has been interesting to hear comments from people who have met the Queen, saying what a wonderful lady she is and I am sure all would agree, but people met with Jesus, yet turned away from him. I find that extraordinary, but of course, it happened then and continues to happen today.
What triggered these thoughts for me, was the unusual selection of people to whom God chose to reveal himself in Old Testament times. For example, Elijah needed to flee from King Ahab and Queen Jezebel, so God told him to go to a widow in Sidon, Queen Jezebel's hometown. There would have been many Jewish widows at the time and who could have benefited from God's care of Elijah, but God did not choose them. Naaman the Syrian, also a non Jew, was healed of his leprosy in the time of Elisha. Why did God choose these people and not others?
Most people do not deserve many of the things which life throws at them - there are stories galore which could confirm this, - but for Job who suffered the loss of everything, his response was " I know that my Redeemer lives and one day I will see him". St Paul wrote in 2 Corinthians 12:9, that Jesus' response to Paul's request for healing was "My grace is sufficient for you".
There is no deserving in this life, despite some people's hope in karma, but our response in times of testing should be to trust in God.
He has promised to be with us always.