One of the reasons I no longer attend church on a regular basis, is the flavour that 'with God, nothing is possible'. Being a Christian and maintaining ministry in the Whitsundays has never been easy but that does not mean that God is limited - we are the ones who are limited - in our thinking to start with, but also in our abilities. I am always disappointed when making suggestions for outreach ministry, starting with prayer, that others say it is all too hard. A church is not a secular charity but a dynamo with God as the leader. Recently reading the life of Abraham, I could see the difference in his approach to settling in the land of Canaan, to that of his nephew Lot. Abraham had a vision/concept of what God had promised him, whereas Lot seemed disinterested in this approach, preferring the more 'worldly' values of where he would settle.
Abraham had much to deal with in his efforts to follow God but his firm commitment and relationship with God meant that he was able to deal with issues as they arose. He even believed that God would grant them a child in their senior years, while his wife Sarah just laughed it off. When God told him to sacrifice his son and heir, Isaac, he told the men accompanying him that "we" will return after the sacrifice, so sure was he that God would somehow save Isaac, which of course, God did. And all this without a Bible, church, commentaries and google!
Our relationship with God should mean that we do not impose limits on his ability even when he doesn't seem to act according to our wishes, wishes with the best of intentions. As I look at the magnificent scenery from our balcony, I am reminded of the God of creation - who else could create such a world? How could I possible limit God when he says of himself "I am the Alpha and Omega, the first and last, the beginning and the end" ( Rev 22:13).
Let's keep God and our thinking in that perspective.