Now that I have rediscovered the Psalms, I thought this commentary ( Scripture Union Encounter With God notes) worth sharing. It relates to Psalm 98.
"God's creation is indeed to be appreciated but not to be worshipped. God is not in the trees, the wind, the mountains, the seas or the universe. ( Reminds me of Elijah's encounter with God after Mt Carmel). God is the Creator of them all.
"Worship is not merely a state of mind or the singing of songs; neither should worship be a reflexive response before God for what he has done for you. Worship should be an act of will that is intentional, intelligently directed to the living God simply for who he is."
Needless to say, that reminded me of who God is and with the help of Google, I was easily able to find the description of what I was looking for. God is :-
OMNIPOTENT - all powerful
OMNISCIENT - all knowing
OMNIPRESENT - everywhere at all times
OMNIBENEV0LENT - all loving/good
This is the God of the Bible and the One to be worshipped.