And then I thought of St Paul. Here he was in prison - not necessarily a nice place to be - and in his letter to the Colossians, he starts by giving thanks for their faith and love, before proceeding with more positive statements. No 'poor me' from Paul, although that could have been justified as he had not committed a crime, but was in prison because of his new 'Jesus' faith. I thought that put Covid into perspective, especially for those of us who are safe and have good health services.
Another pleasant surprise amidst the persecution and suffering of so many people in areas of conflict was a prayer in the Christian Blind Mission prayer diary "We pray for peace and prosperity all over the world. May God shower His blessings on all and bless them with peace, happiness and good health." My first reaction was - hey, this is not happening in the world right now, so why should we pray this prayer, but then I thought why not? God has promised to bless us wherever we are and aren't those who are suffering entitled to God's blessings right now? Another change of attitude needed.
Here in the tropics, all the flowering tree are in full bloom and they look spectacular. Along with the beautiful sunsets ( I don't see sunrises) and lately, cloud formations, there are so many reminders of God's goodness to us in the form of natural beauty.
As we remember people in all their difficulties, we can also remember that God has not forgotten his promise to bless. I am reminded of that promise as I look at the beauty around me - something which I really appreciate.