Balancing new ideas with established ideas can be a minefield, but instant dismissal of a different point of view is certainly not a good idea. I was brought up in a very conservative household, and was quite shocked to learn there were other ways a Christian can live, while still maintaining Christian values. This started me questioning my own little world resulting in me being thrown out of a Christian home for my new thoughts and values. Imagine what the great inventors, thinkers and those wanting social change for the genuinely disadvantaged went through!
Reading Psalm 119:142ff was such a welcome change from all this woke culture. "Your law is the truth"; " You are near Lord and all your commandments are true";
"Long ago I learned from your decrees that you have established them forever" - (the joys of being in the more mature age group); "The sum of your word is true". The words true and truth are such a welcome change from reading between the lines of suspect journalism or political statements. When I was involved in small town politics, I would always sigh with relief when I read the Bible as I knew I did not have to look for hidden nasties compared to reading the political agenda for the next meeting.
Jesus said "I am the truth...." We can always trust him.