Some of these incidents are straight out accidents, while others could have been prevented and it is the innocent who usually suffer.
In reading of Pharaoh's stubborn attitude towards God, Moses and the Hebrew slaves in Egypt resulting in the devastation of Egypt, how many innocent people were detrimentally affected by his attitude? And then there were the horses which drowned when Pharaoh insisted the army pursue the Hebrews as they crossed the Red Sea. The fate of the horses does not usually rate a mention but they also were the innocent victims of the Pharaoh's decision.
Examples of such perverse actions are certainly not limited to the days of the Old Testament, as can be seen from any of today's news bulletins. At some stage we all make dumb decisions, whether innocently or intentionally, but it is usually the innocent victims of our dumb decisions who have to suffer the consequences.
We all don't have the 'wisdom of Solomon' but we do have access to the source of that wisdom which is God. So whether our actions are dumb, dumber or hopefully wise, whatever we do affects others. A sobering thought for the start of a new year?