In Australia's politics at the moment, there is a proposal to be put to the people in the form of a referendum, and 'truthtelling' is part of the discussion around that proposal. Unfortunately it can be difficult to discern the 'truth' as people's perceptions of the 'truth' vary in accordance with what they want to believe, even to the extent of re-writing history. The real truth can sometimes be difficult to find.
Not so in John the Baptist's case. He told Herod the truth about his marriage and where did that get John - he landed in jail and ended up with his head cut off - ugh! Most of the apostles were martyred, all for telling the truth about Jesus and therefore going against the establishment/or the religious leaders of the time. 'Open Doors', a worldwide Christian organisation which works with the persecuted church has horrendous statistics about the suffering of Christians today in many parts of the world and although I pray for the persecuted church, I also feel guilty as I can pray in peace without fear while others suffer so much for doing just that - being caught praying, reading the Bible or partaking in Christian fellowship.
However when I look back at some of my circumstances, there have been times when I have had to make a stand for what I believe is right, or truth. I was told to leave my home when my parents did not want me to marry a Chinese man and did not participate in our wedding ( we are still married 56 years later) - I could not agree with my parents' objections based on the colour of my husband's skin. I am no longer involved in the local church to which I once attended as the minister and people were not interested in outreach in our very secular community - Jesus said 'Go into all the world....' I have been in local politics and been bullied to go against what I believe to be right, so even in a safe place as Australia, there are still hard decisions to be made when standing up for the truth - but I readily admit, not nearly as hard as situations others have to face.
There can be a cost to standing up for what is right, speaking the truth and seeking to right an injustice, but for me, that is part of being a Christian. As we allow God to refine our conscience, then we will know what is the truth.
It is up to us to stand up for the truth, not in our own strength, but with God as our strength.