What about when we don't feel joy in our lives? Fact - we have joy. What is the definition of joy? - a feeling of pleasure or happiness. That is the dictionary definition, but I think that John is writing about a much deeper sense of joy - one not dependent on just feeling good.
I can walk but I don't always feel like doing my 1/2 hour daily walk, especially when there is not a cool breeze. Fact: I can/have the ability to walk. Even now as I explore the word 'joy' I keep going back to the Biblical assertion that 'joy' is a fact, not a feeling. Even when life becomes messy and even just plain awful, we still have 'joy'. So what is so different about the dictionary definition and what is inferred in the Bible?
'Confidence' is the basis of fact on which our 'joy' is complete. Confidence in:- salvation, answered prayer, victory, forgiveness, guidance - all these are promised by God, in writing, in the Bible. I doesn't matter how we feel - good or bad - we have the confidence that God is our friend and helper and this gives us that deep assurance of 'joy'.
There are probably plenty of times in our lives when we can feel sorry for ourselves ( nothing wrong with that) but it is especially those times that we need to remember the fact the we have 'joy'. Just because I don't feel like walking does not negate the fact that I can walk.
'Joy' is a fact - God gives us 'joy', deep satisfying 'joy' and that is a fact - believe it now!