Covid 19 reminds me of one of the less pleasant aspects of Easter - aloneness. If ever someone knew what it was to be alone, it was Jesus in those last 24 hours. His closest friends fell asleep when Jesus needed them most, then deserted him in the garden, although Peter to his credit, followed Jesus to the High Priest's house, yet three times, denied ever knowing Jesus, something of which Jesus was well aware. The atmosphere of bitter hatred at Jesus' 'trial' must have been horrendous let alone the prospect of a cruel physical and 'spiritual' death. Fortunately we know the 'happy ending'.
'No-one Understands Like Jesus' was a popular gospel song in my teenage years and those words have been a great comfort to me at dark times over the years. As well, Jesus has come to me it a very real way in my aloneness and I have found his love overwhelming when I needed it most.
Mental health is a very real issue and comes in all shapes and sizes but in our darkest hour, we can always talk to Jesus as he understands what it means to be and feel alone. We never need to think that no-one knows or cares how we feel because Jesus is always there for each of us.
As each of us celebrate Easter in an entirely different way this year, the message is the same - we are not alone for 'He Is Risen'! Hallelujah!