However, one only needs to read the exodus of the Hebrew people from slavery in Egypt to realise nothing has changed in thousands of years. With all the miracles which God had performed through Moses, then the escape on dry land across the Red ( or Reed) Sea, still the majority of people, including Moses' brother Aaron, chose to worship a golden calf which Aaron had made and to equate their escape to this calf, instead of God. And that was not the beginning nor the end of the people's apostasy. Only those under the age of twenty, excluding Joshua and Caleb would ever enter the promised land of Canaan.
Jesus gave us the story of the Sower, where only some of the seed sown, would mature to become a plant, teaching us that not everyone who heard Jesus' message and experienced his miracles, would remain faithful to Jesus' teaching.
Jesus calls us to be his witnesses wherever we are but does not guarantee spectacular results. Some do see many people believe in Jesus, while others do not have that privilege, but Jesus' message is the same - we need to be faithful to him, and leave the results to him.
Like all the preventative measures the government has put in place to stop the spread of Covid 19, God has given people the opportunity to know him and his love for everyone, but many do not wish to take advantage of his generous offer of love, forgiveness and his faithful care.
Our responsibility is to remain faithful to God, just as our Covid 19 responsibility at the moment is to social distance and respect the rules which are put in place for our benefit.
Why should I be astonished when history is just repeating itself.