2. Who came first, Elisha or Elijah? A. P157
3. Who conquered Babylon? A. P227
4. Who was David's most trusted friend? A. P116
5. Why did the Israelites wander in the desert for 40 years? A. P61
6. What were the names of Samuel's parents? A. P100
7. What was King Nebuchadnezzar's dream and its historical interpretation? A. P223
8. How did Mordecai prevent King Ahazuerus' assassination?
A. P237
9. Who was King David's great grandmother? A. P100
10. What age was Joash when he was crowned King in Judah?
A. P201
11. How do you know that King Saul's heirs would never become the royal line of kings over Israel and Judah? A. P108
12. Why did King Ahazuerus need a new Queen? A. P237
13. Why do you think God allowed Joseph to endure 13 years of slavery and imprisonment? A. P30
14. How many people did King Nebuchadnezzar see in the fiery furnace? A. P224
15. Why did David join the Philistine army? A. P123-124
16. How old was Moses when he died and what was so remarkable about him at this age? A. P67
17. After Israel and Judah divided, who was Israel's first King and who was its worst King? A. P154 and P156
18. For what was King Solomon famous and how many proverbs did he write? A. P148
19. Whom did God choose to warn the people of Nineveh of God's impending judgement? A. P189
20. For how long was the tribe of Judah in exile in Babylon?
A. P213